During this webinar, Dr. Nathalia Correa-Velez will be sharing:
- How my Fotona StarWalker supports (and exceeds!) my business goals
- Patient efficacy and outcomes (with Before & Afters), especially patients with darker skin tones
- Most requested laser treatments & why
- My experience with Fotona since getting started
Company Bio
Fotona’s decades-long experience in the laser industry began 60 years ago in 1964, producing frontline laser devices for defense, optical communications, industrial, dental and medical applications throughout this time. Fotona today is a world-leading medical laser company recognized for its innovative, award-winning laser systems for applications in aesthetics & dermatology, dentistry, surgery and gynecology. Based in Europe with regional subsidiaries in the US (Fotona, LLC), China (Fotona Beauty Light), France (Fotona France SARL) and Germany (Fotona GmbH), Fotona’s business philosophy is to continuously choose perfection to meet the needs of a highly demanding global marketplace. The company manufactures and tests all of its laser systems in-house, ensuring that each system is of the highest quality, reliability, ease-of-use and durability, in compliance with all applicable international standards. When you choose Fotona, you choose a company committed to designing, manufacturing and delivering: The highest performance, best made laser systems in the world.

Nathalia Correa-Velez
Meet Your Instructor
Dr. Nathalia Correa Velez is a dermatologist, epidemiologist, and energy-based technologies specialist. She practices clini-cal dermatology at the San Jose Hospital in Bogota, Colombia. She also practices as an aesthetic and clinical dermatologist at Medical Art where she furthermore serves as the Chief Investi-gator. Dr. Correa provides top quality care through innovation in functional dermatology. She is also an international Fotona instructor and researcher.
Why Choose Us
Our commitment to your academic achievement drives us to utilize innovation, create positive impacts, and foster collaboration.